This is my way of automation to configure BGInfo on a server based on where in AD the server is located. I have a customer where we need to deploy BGInfo with a background that informs the user logged on which Environment the server are connected to (Production, Acceptance, Test or Tier-0) and by using
A Colleague needed a script to check a list of ip-addresses or computername against the DNS and i created this script. You need a txt-file with what you want to check against the DNS. [crayon-67d1066b1c89d645310079/] If you want to download it, here´s the link
The plot for the assignment 🙂 We got a question if we could automate the booking of Cisco TMS Video Conference for a customer that before this script managed about 2000 booking a month by clicking i Cisco TMS portal. One of the requirement for the automation was Powershell. The first thing was to start
This function compare what the Distribution Point has in WMI againt ContentLib [crayon-67d1066b1cc7f968482790/] If you want to remove WMI entry that not are in lib [crayon-67d1066b1cc81168486569/] Of if you want to remove from ContentLIB [crayon-67d1066b1cc82068482193/] To be used at own risk…
If you have PRTG and want to monitor thru wmi i´ve put together a guide based on two scripts (not created by me) what you need to do…. You need an service-account in your domain, not with domain-admin-rights, only a domain user. You need two scripts (se later in blogpost) to add service-account to two
If you get an update that you what to uninstall the best way is to use powershell. This function uninstalls the kb-article you ask for if it is installed on the system. To use it you have to run it as administrator. uninstall-hotfix -computername “replace with name” -hotfixID “Replace with numbers only” [crayon-67d1066b1cff3247366268/]