Last year i published my scripts i use when automate Patch Management, now it´s time for an update… Every year about this time i update Maintenance Windows for my customers and usually i use my script to generate Maintenance Windows. This year i got a request from a customer if they could do the work
This is my way of automation to configure BGInfo on a server based on where in AD the server is located. I have a customer where we need to deploy BGInfo with a background that informs the user logged on which Environment the server are connected to (Production, Acceptance, Test or Tier-0) and by using
One of my areas of my work has been to handle Patch Managment for x-numbers of clients and with multiple clients everything becomes more complicated to handle. Therefore i’ve started to try to automate as much as possible with everything about Patch Managment by using Powershell. What I have collected in this article will help
A Colleague needed a script to check a list of ip-addresses or computername against the DNS and i created this script. You need a txt-file with what you want to check against the DNS. [crayon-67d104f19b022126925537/] If you want to download it, here´s the link
The plot for the assignment 🙂 We got a question if we could automate the booking of Cisco TMS Video Conference for a customer that before this script managed about 2000 booking a month by clicking i Cisco TMS portal. One of the requirement for the automation was Powershell. The first thing was to start
Remote-presention with schedule task and Powershell For this solution you need the following: AD-user (not domainadmin!!!) with lowest rights. AD-group populated by the user (above) who will access the folder and run the scheduletask. The group is also populated with the users who will update the presentation. GPO that will configure the schedule task on
I have a customer who needed some sort of application/bat-file or powershell-script to restart a remote computer running a presentation. The presentation was updated with a schedule task on the client, but sometimes they needed to update extra. Instead of restarting the computer everytime i suggested we should run the schedule task remotely. The solution
This function compare what the Distribution Point has in WMI againt ContentLib [crayon-67d104f19b4e9541104055/] If you want to remove WMI entry that not are in lib [crayon-67d104f19b4eb079370901/] Of if you want to remove from ContentLIB [crayon-67d104f19b4ec493167239/] To be used at own risk…
If you have PRTG and want to monitor thru wmi i´ve put together a guide based on two scripts (not created by me) what you need to do…. You need an service-account in your domain, not with domain-admin-rights, only a domain user. You need two scripts (se later in blogpost) to add service-account to two
Case: You need to verify that SNMP-service is running on servers, and if not it must be installed. To do after running the script: You need to set “supported platforms” on the CI after creation. This CI and Baseline only runs on Server 2012 and above. Main-Script: The main script to run in powershell elevated
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