Presentation on remote screen

Remote-presention with schedule task and Powershell

For this solution you need the following:

  • AD-user (not domainadmin!!!) with lowest rights.
  • AD-group populated by the user (above) who will access the folder and run the scheduletask. The group is also populated with the users who will update the presentation.
  • GPO that will configure the schedule task on the client.
  • A folderstructure according to my example down below
  • A domainjoined computer with Micosoft powerpoint installed.
  • Wifi or wired network
  • A powershellscript (see below)


Someware in your network you need to create a folderstructure that will hold the presentation, the script and where the script will save the logfile.

  1. Preferred name for system (Folder)
    1. Config.log (Logfile – will be created on first run)
    2. Presentation.ppsx (Presentation-file)
    3. Screenpresentation.ps1 (Script)


There are three levels depending on how

  1. Low – you dont care anything about security – set all users everywhere – NOT RECOMMENDED!
  2. Normal – You create one AD-group and one ad-user (the user who runs the Schedule Task) and the users who will update the presentation.
  3.  High – You create two AD-groups and one ad-user, The first AD-group has only read to share with presentation, and the other has modify.

You can choose if you want one account for all presentations or one for each. The GPO will be assigned to computeraccount.

Group-policy & Schedule Task

You need to create a GPO assigned to the OU where the computersticks or computers are located.

The schedule Task should be configured like this:

The commandline you should use are: “-executionpolicy Bypass \\server\share\ScreenPresentation.ps1”




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